Looking is the original sin

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There would be no storms or harmful natural occurrences.

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The Garden of Eden would have been a climatic paradise that apparently needed no rain because it was watered by a mist coming up from the ground (Genesis 2:6). What was life like before the Fall, before Adam and Eve disobeyed God and brought sin into the world? Let us attempt to create a scenario of this pre-Fall existence, using the words of Scripture and a bit of reverent imagination. However, there was a time when the world was sinless. The situation persists because too many people love, “…the darkness rather than the light…” (John 3:19). We know that this is a result of the fall of man. The Christian sees this as the effect of sin in our world. If you are ever in doubt about that fact, just take a look at the evening news. Most of us are painfully aware of how much crime, violence, sin, and deprivation exists in our world today.